Guarantee System


Guarantee Control System

The SICOGA Guarantee System allows the registration and monitoring of each of the guarantees that enter the organization, associated with projects, services or contracted products that need to be guaranteed, and control the time limits involved.

In general terms, the system allows you to enter, manage, record shipments to custody, generate PDF forms, and manage the flow of the Guarantees within the Organization.

System Features

The System is built in a web environment and is made up of two large modules, one of Queries and Reports, where you can access the monitoring of guarantees at different stages of the process, and another module of Administration of guarantees, where the own functions of the management of guarantees.

Main Features

The main functions of the system are: entry or registration of guarantees, shipment to custody, return to custody, rescue of custody, renewal of guarantees, return and delivery of guarantees among others, in addition to inquiries such as Details of Guarantees, Guarantees in Custody, Guarantees Renewed, Returned Guarantees, etc.

Additionally, there is an option to define parameters associated with the system such as: guarantee statuses, types of guarantees, expiration times, etc.

January 10, 2004
ERP, Warranty
Web Site

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